IGSN list for a specific field program

  • The end point is https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program
    • Usage: https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program/[field program name].
  • The service will retrieve all IGSNs for a user defined field program. It only accepts GET requests from client programs. It does not require login and password and supports pagination. If hide_private flag is set to 1, it will not return IGSNs whose sample metadata are not public accessible.
Request Headers
  • Accept: application/xml, application/json, text/xml, text/json
    Request Body
field_program_name={name of field program}: exact name of the field program (case sensitive)
limit={limit}: maximum number of IGSNs for each page. If it is not specified, it will default to 100. page_no={page_no} page number. If it is not specified, it will
default to 100.
hide_private={1 or 0 or none} default to 0. If 1, it will not return IGSNs whose sample metadata are not public accessible.
Response Body

HTTP status codes:

  • 400 Bad Request - Field program name is not valid.
  • 404 Not Found - No IGSNs associated with the given field program name.
  • 200 Successful. It will return user IGSN(s) as follows.

Output format when request is successful ( status code = 200 ) XML format:

  <previous_list>https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program/Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (CZO)?limit=4&amp;page_no=99&amp;hide_private=0</previous_list>
<next_list>https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program/Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (CZO)?

JSON format:

{ "igsn_list": [ "SSH0002V6", "SSH0002V5", "SSH0002V4", "SSH0002V3" ], 
  "total_counts": 4339,
  "previous_list":"https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program/Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (CZO)?limit=4&page_no=99&hide_private=0",     
  "next_list": "https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program/Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (CZO)?limit=4&page_no=101&hide_private=0"

***Please note: Total count of IGSNs is tagged as “total_counts” in the returned content. If limits, page numbers, etc. are specified, the returned content will have and tags when there are more than one page of IGSNs.*** **Example:**

curl -X GET -H "accept: application/xml" "https://app.geosamples.org/samples/field_program/Susquehanna%20Shale%20Hills%20Critical%20Zone%20Observatory%20(CZO)&limit=4&page_no=100"